- Regular Season
- Playoff
Week 1
Friday,28 August 2020
Saturday,29 August 2020
Sunday,30 August 2020
Week 2
Friday,4 September 2020
Saturday,5 September 2020
Sunday,6 September 2020
Week 3
Friday,11 September 2020
Saturday,12 September 2020
Sunday,13 September 2020
Week 4
Friday,18 September 2020
Saturday,19 September 2020
Sunday,20 September 2020
Week 5
Friday,25 September 2020
Saturday,26 September 2020
Sunday,27 September 2020
Week 6
Friday,2 October 2020
Saturday,3 October 2020
Sunday,4 October 2020
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Friday,23 October 2020
Saturday,24 October 2020
Sunday,25 October 2020
Playoff Bracket